Join us on Zoom using 886-8839-0978 as the meeting ID. No password is necessary. Please note: Our room is locked promptly at 7:35 Eastern Time. We invite you to come early and stay late.

We’re happy you found us. ACA Morning is the website of Strengthening My Recovery (SMR), an online Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families (ACA) meeting that happens every morning from 7:30 – 8:30 Eastern Time. We read from Strengthening My Recovery then have a 2-minute meditation after which we move into breakout rooms with about 25–30 participants and have 2-minute shares. We end with an uplifting self-care reading followed by 1-minute shares, announcements and fellowship.

Our meeting began online in March 2020 as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It started with a small core group from New Jersey in a format designed by Annie S. The meeting has grown to over 300 participants during its short existence. It will continue as an online meeting.

Dial in: 1 646 558 8656 US (New York) |:| Zoom Link: ******* Other Dial-in numbers: 1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) 1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) 1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) | To Find your dial-in number:

I thank my HP this meeting is every day.


Each meeting helps me take another step forward in my recovery journey.

Barb E.

ACA Senryu

recovery path
not to react but to act
that’s the solution

Robert F.

The support I receive here is why I keep coming back. I’m learning how to try even though I may feel afraid and that it is ok to ask for help and get the help I need.

Diane F.

Surprisingly, this meeting has become a home for me. This large, well structured meeting feels like a safe place to share my experience, understanding, and hope. I take everyone with me into my days.

Gregory A.

Being part of SMR in the morning centers me for that day. It helps to provide me with what I need to experience joy.


My go-to ACA meeting! So much recovery and wisdom here.

Sara R.

At my first share, when the host said “we’re listening” I knew I had a new family.

Wendy D.

Feeling as a fearful misfit in my childhood home, I sadly thought: “I MUST be adopted!” Now being in this diverse global community, I smile to myself and know “I AM adopted!” (by all of you, thanks!)

Billie R. - Virginia, USA

SMR is my morning miracle. I make my cup of tea and share life changing work with all of you. I am blessed.

Carol G.

I found ACA after years of working other programs. ACA is the culmination of all the work I have done, and a clear path for the healing I still need to do. SMR helped me make peace with myself. With this new connection to fellow travellers, I am now finding hope.

Michelle B.

The daily presence of this safe space has allowed me to dive deep into my own journey and know that I have support and love in it all. The format and frequency really work for me and am beyond grateful for this community.

Heather P.

I learned about recovery in my other 12 step program – for that I am ever grateful, yet after 30 years I yearned for a healing that I hadn’t yet uncovered. In ACA, I found the path to wholeness and love that I have sought for my entire life.

Rene A.

This meeting has transformed my ACA recovery. The format is brilliant; it feels safe and the sharing is inspiring.

Peter M., London

ACA, especially the SMR meeting, has transformed my life.
I can now see
The beautiful me
That was meant to be

Joy W. (Maine)

My parents told me to be careful who I associated with—you have to be selective about your friends.  I’m associating with you, people who really love themselves.  You are rubbing off on me. I love this fellowship.

Harry G.

Coming to the SMR meeting is my daily dose
of self care.

Indira (Germany)

What a gift to have found a community every morning where I am welcomed and listened to, and where I learn and grow from listening to others.


I have years of recovery in other programs; however, this program is moving mountains
in my life.

Candi L.

So grateful that yearning for emotional sobriety brought me into the rooms of ACA. I found ACA Morning and soon it became part of my daily routine…my life is completely different, yet nothing has changed but me.

Leigh J

I’m amazed at how much I feel seen and heard in a meeting of close to 200 people only a few of whom I’ve met. It’s been a lifeline during Covid.

Mary A.