From BRB Chapter 11 ACA Sponsorship: Fellow Travelers p. 374

Fellow Traveler – This is the traditional method of ACA sponsorship. A person who is willing to share experience, strength, and hope in helping the sponsee work his or her way through the Twelve Steps and to pick up the recovery tools for facing life on life’s terms. 


Do I need a sponsor? What makes a good sponsor?

People come into ACA all sorts of different ways. Some of us come from other programs where having a sponsor is one of the first steps we take. Some of us come from therapy, where our therapist may take the role of our sponsor. Some of us like to sit a while before we take the step to ask someone to sponsor us. And, some of us choose not to work within a Sponsor/Sponsee relationship, but rather walk the path with Fellow Travellers.

How you decide to work with a sponsor is a personal choice but here are some guidelines from the World Service Organization that might be helpful.

Profile of a Sponsor